Support for someone you know

If you are worried about someone who may be experiencing family violence, there are some simple things you can do.

Recognising family violence and what you can do

If someone is in danger right now, call Triple Zero (000).

If you are worried about someone who may be experiencing family violence, there are some simple things you can do. Your support could make a big difference.

It can be hard to tell if someone is experiencing family violence. Often there are no obvious signs and the person may not even recognise that what they are experiencing is family violence.

Family violence is when a person shows a pattern of threatening, coercive, controlling or violent behaviour towards another person.

Family violence can happen in any family and covers a wide range of behaviours and actions, it can be:

  • physical
  • sexual
  • emotional
  • psychological
  • cultural
  • spiritual
  • financial.

For examples of these, visit our signs of family violence page.

How The Orange Door can help someone I know

You can contact us at The Orange Door to seek help for someone else. We will listen to your concerns and work out how to improve the situation without putting you or the person you are worried about at risk. You don’t have to give your name.

You can also refer to these resources to help you support someone:

If you are concerned about a person’s behaviour towards their partner, children or another family member you can contact us for advice or support before you try and assist.

Don’t get involved in a situation involving physical violence. Call Triple Zero (000).

Are you worried about the safety or wellbeing of a child or young person?

Are you concerned about a child or young person’s wellbeing, behaviour, growth, learning or development?

You might notice that a child or young person:

  • has a lot of time away from school
  • isn’t eating regular meals
  • doesn’t go to the doctor or get other medical help
  • isn’t involved in activities away from home
  • is showing behaviour that worries you
  • isn’t developing as you would expect for their age.

If you’re worried about a child or young person, contact The Orange Door and talk to us about your concerns. We are here to help families and children before problems get worse.

Every child or young person has a right to:

  • be safe and feel safe
  • live in a safe and secure home, free from violence and abuse
  • stay healthy and well
  • go to a doctor, dentist or other professional for help when they need to
  • have an education
  • be allowed to be a child and be treated with respect
  • have a say and be heard
  • tell someone if they are unhappy
  • feel proud and strong in their own culture
  • be in contact with family, friends and people and places that matter to them
  • have fun and do activities they enjoy
  • develop life skills and grow up to be the best person they can.

A child or young person might tell you that they feel unsafe or that something bad is happening at home. It’s important to listen to them, believe them and contact The Orange Door to find out what options you have to help.

We are experienced in working with children and young people and can support families to make sure they – as well as parents or carers – get the help they need.

Read about the practical support offered to families who need support for the wellbeing of children.

How can you access services?

There are many ways to access help and support from The Orange Door, including face-to-face, and via phone or email. You don’t need a referral.

Tell us if you have accessibility requirements, for example if you use communication aids or require an interpreter, including Auslan.

Search by suburb or postcode to find a service near you.

The Orange Door is open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (closed public holidays).

Statewide out-of-hours support is available.
