Support for people of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent

We provide a culturally safe service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Support for you

We are committed to providing a culturally safe service response for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

We recognise that family violence is not and has never been a part of Aboriginal culture.

We can help if:

  • someone close to you is making you feel afraid or unsafe such as your partner, ex-partner, family member or carer
  • you are a child or young person who doesn’t feel safe or cared for
  • you are at risk of using abusive or controlling behaviour or you need help with these behaviours at home or in a relationship
  • you are worried about the safety of someone you know
  • you have experienced family violence, including controlling behaviour like someone monitoring where you go, who you visit, or how you spend money
  • you need help with parenting, or you are worried about the wellbeing or development of a child or young person.

People who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander can choose to be supported by an Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisations (ACCO) worker.

All staff at The Orange Door will consult with our Aboriginal Practice Leads to support your cultural safety as a priority during your time with The Orange Door.

We have a team that works with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and alongside local Aboriginal services and communities to meet the needs of individuals and families and support Aboriginal self-determination. This includes supporting your choices about the services you are referred to you.

How can The Orange Door help?

We can help by:

  • listening to you and hearing what your worries are
  • working with you to identify the help and support you need
  • supporting you with the wellbeing and development of children and young people
  • helping you make a safety plan to keep you and your children safe
  • connecting you to services that can help, such as counselling, accommodation, family violence support, mental health and drug and alcohol services, parenting support groups, services for children, financial help, or legal assistance
  • supporting you to access funding for basic living expenses and other costs
  • connect you with services if you want help to change your violent or controlling behaviour

We understand that people who need family violence or family services may also be dealing with other issues, such as:

  • financial
  • legal
  • health
  • substance misuse
  • housing
  • employment
  • education

We can connect you with services that will help and support you with these issues too.

How can you access services?

There are many ways to access help and support from The Orange Door, including face-to-face, and via phone or email. You don’t need a referral.

Tell us if you have accessibility requirements, for example if you use communication aids or require an interpreter, including Auslan.

Search by suburb or postcode to find a service near you.

If you would prefer to use an Aboriginal service, you can contact The Orange Door and ask for the details of your local service.

If you are in the Bayside Peninsula or Barwon areas, you can also access a dedicated service fully staffed by an Aboriginal workforce which will walk alongside you until you have the right services in place. The Bayside Peninsula area service is operated by the Victorian Aboriginal Child and Community Agency (VACCA).

The Barwon area service is operated by the Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative.

For support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week you can also call:

The Orange Door is open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (closed public holidays).

Statewide out-of-hours support is available.
