The Orange Door animation

[Music plays]

Sometimes things at home or in a relationship are not OK and you don’t know where to turn.

Across Victoria, at The Orange Door we are here to help.

If someone is
• hurting you or making you feel afraid,
• if they are monitoring where you go,
• controlling your money
• or stopping you from seeing family and friends, we are here to help.

When you need support with parenting, or you’re worried about the wellbeing of a child. Or if you are a child or young person who doesn’t feel safe or cared for, we are here to help.

If you are worried about the safety of someone you know, we are here to help.

We provide free, confidential support to meet the needs of people of any age, gender, sexuality, culture, religion and ability.

To find help go to

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger call 000.

[The Orange Door logo Victorian State Government logo Authorised by the Vcitorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne Spoken by E. Donovan]
